
Customizing Image Elements

Learn how to create a Custom Image Component. For this example, we'll modify the ImageBlock Component by adding a title attribute to the Image.

Let's start by looking at then modifing the ImageBlockElementType.

Customizing the Image Type

🌞 Even if you aren't using TypeScript, we recommend reading this section. You can probably follow the meaning of the type declarations (e.g. id: string means the id property takes a string type value).

Here is the type for the ImageBlockElementType.

export type ImageBlockElementType = {
  type: "image-block"
  id: string
  width: number
  height: number
  maxWidth: number
  maxHeight: number
  children: [{ text: "" }]

This Element has its type set to the exact string "image-block". This is a void Element, so it has children which is [{ text: "" }] (a requirement for void Elements).

We will be using some of Slate Cloud's built-in image handling (e.g. for image resizing and showing upload progress) which means that the Image element we create needs to follow the ImageFileInterface. As you can see, all of the properties in the ImageFileInterface are already present in the ImageBlockElementType.

export interface ImageFileInterface {
  id: string
  width: number
  height: number
  maxWidth: number
  maxHeight: number

Although the ImageFileInterface is the minimum requirement we can add other properties we desire to our image Element.

Let's create a new Element TitledImageBlockElementType which renders an <img> with a `title`` attribute.

Here's an type definition that includes a title property:

export type TitledImageBlockElement = {
  type: "titled-image-block"
  id: string
  width: number
  height: number
  maxWidth: number
  maxHeight: number
  children: [{ text: "" }]

Custom Image Component

Here's the Preset ImageBlock Component.

import { RendeElementPropsFor, HostedImage } from "slate-portive"

export function ImageBlock({
}: RenderElementPropsFor<ImageBlockElement>) {
  return (
    <div {...attributes} style={{ margin: "8px 0" }}>
        style={{ borderRadius: element.size[0] < 100 ? 0 : 4 }}

It may seem small. This is because the HostedImage sub-component takes care of most of the hard work:

  • Resizing with drag handles
  • Showing the width/height during resize
  • Showing a progress bar while uploading
  • Showing an Error when an upload fails
  • Showing retina images for high DPI devices and normal resolution images for low DPI devices

From the perspective of the ImageBlock Component, we can treat it just like an img tag and it can take any img attributes like a "title" attribute for example.

Let's modify this to create our Custom TitledImageBlock Component:

import { RendeElementPropsFor, HostedImage } from "slate-portive"

export function TitledImageBlock({
}: // ✅ Change `ImageBlockElement` to `TitledImageBlockElement`
RenderElementPropsFor<TitledImageBlockElement>) {
  return (
    <div {...attributes} style={{ margin: "8px 0" }}>
      {/* ✅ Add `element.title` */}
        style={{ borderRadius: element.size[0] < 100 ? 0 : 4 }}

Now our Custom Image can render the image with the title attribute.

Customize createImageFileElement callback

When a user uploads an image, the createImageFileElement function passed to withPortive is called. In Getting Started withPortive has these options:

const editor = withPortive(reactEditor, {
  createImageFileElement: createImageBlock,
  // ...

Here's the createImageBlock method passed to the createImageFileElement option:

export function createImageBlock(
  e: CreateImageFileElementEvent
): ImageBlockElement {
  return {
    type: "image-block",
    originKey: e.originKey, // ✅ sets originKey from the event
    originSize: e.originSize, // ✅ sets originSize from the event
    size: e.initialSize, // ✅ sets size from `initialSize` from the event
    children: [{ text: "" }],

Here's what e which is of type CreateImageFileElementEvent looks like:

export type CreateImageFileElementEvent = {
  type: "image"
  originKey: string
  originSize: [number, number]
  initialSize: [number, number]
  file: File

export type CreateImageFileElement = (
  e: CreateImageFileElementEvent
) => Element & { originKey: string }

You can learn more about file by reading the File MDN web docs.

Let's use the file object for our TitledImageBlock:

export function createTitledImageBlock(
  e: CreateImageFileElementEvent
  // ✅ returns a `TitledImageBlockElement` instead
): TitledImageBlockElement {
  return {
    type: "titled-image-block",
    title: e.file.name, // ✅ set the initial title value to the filename
    originKey: e.originKey,
    originSize: e.originSize,
    size: e.initialSize,
    children: [{ text: "" }],

Now it's just a matter of importing and using our new TitledImageBlock. Here's the full source code...

import {
} from "slate-portive"

export type TitledImageBlockElement = {
  type: "titled-image-block"
  title: string // ✅ Add a `title` property for our titled image
  originKey: string
  originSize: [number, number]
  size: [number, number]
  children: [{ text: "" }]

export function createTitledImageBlock(
  e: CreateImageFileElementEvent
  // ✅ returns a `TitledImageBlockElement` instead
): TitledImageBlockElement {
  return {
    type: "titled-image-block",
    title: e.file.name, // ✅ set the initial title value to the filename
    originKey: e.originKey,
    originSize: e.originSize,
    size: e.initialSize,
    children: [{ text: "" }],

export function TitledImageBlock({
}: // ✅ Change `ImageBlockElement` to `TitledImageBlockElement`
RenderElementPropsFor<TitledImageBlockElement>) {
  return (
    <div {...attributes} style={{ margin: "8px 0" }}>
      {/* ✅ Add `element.title` */}
        style={{ borderRadius: element.size[0] < 100 ? 0 : 4 }}